Hotel Zessa, a DoubleTree by Hilton
Hotel Zessa, a DoubleTree by Hilton

Venue highlights

Promotion available
Accommodation offered
Indoor and outdoor spaces

Venue details


Hotel/Resort, Event Center, Ballrooms

Guest capacity:

Accommodates up to 450 guests


Ceremony / Reception

Indoor / Outdoor


201 East MacArthur Blvd
Santa Ana, CA 92707


Combine elegance with convenience when you host your wedding festivities at Hotel Zessa, a DoubleTree by Hilton! With 12,000 square feet of flexible space, it features a beautiful Champagne Ballroom that accommodates parties from 30 to 900. Your guests will appreciate the ease of getting to the venue from the airport as well as its close proximity to some of Orange County's best attractions, while you will enjoy the stress-free planning with the help of the personalized service from the event team at Doubletree.

Additional details

Service Options


Book in 2025

Save up to $500 on your wedding reception in upgrades if you book by December 31, 2025. Just mention the Wedding Spot.

Venue notes

The rental fee of $2000 for a reception can be waived with a food and beverage minimum of $4000 - $12000, which is applied to all events. The venue allows 6 hours of event time excluding set up and clean up time. An upfront deposit is required for making a booking.

Amenities and Restrictions


- Bride's dressing area

- Groom's dressing area

- Dance floor

- Podium and/or stage

- Tables and chairs provided

- Linens, silverware, glassware provided

- Venue set up and clean up

- Votive candles

- Overnight accommodations available

- Day-of coordinator

- Champagne toast

- Complimentary bridal suite

- Kitchen for prep only

- Large parking lot

- We have arrangements for hosting Indian Baraat

- Groom's dressing area is available for an additional fee of $500

- Linens/napkins is available at floor length linen $20/table


- All food and beverage handled by venue

- Venue must approve all decorations

- No rice, birdseed, confetti, etc.

- Approved outside caterer allowed

- Amplified music OK indoors and outdoors

- Smoking in designated areas only

- Alcohol must be provided by venue

- Music must end by midnight

- Music end time: 12am Indoors, 8pm Outdoors


- Bride's dressing area

- Groom's dressing area

- Dance floor

- Podium and/or stage

- Tables and chairs provided

- Linens, silverware, glassware provided

- Venue set up and clean up

- Votive candles

- Overnight accommodations available

- Day-of coordinator

- Champagne toast

- Complimentary bridal suite

- Kitchen for prep only

- Large parking lot

- We have arrangements for hosting Indian Baraat

- Groom's dressing area is available for an additional fee of $500

- Linens/napkins is available at floor length linen $20/table


- All food and beverage handled by venue

- Venue must approve all decorations

- No rice, birdseed, confetti, etc.

- Approved outside caterer allowed

- Amplified music OK indoors and outdoors

- Smoking in designated areas only

- Alcohol must be provided by venue

- Music must end by midnight

- Music end time: 12am Indoors, 8pm Outdoors

Hotel Zessa, a DoubleTree by Hilton

Venue Highlights

Promotion available
Accommodation offered
Indoor and outdoor spaces


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