Park/Garden, Vintage
Accommodates up to 150 guests
Ceremony / Reception
5801 South East 28th Avenue
Portland, OR 97202
The Crystal Springs Rhododendron Garden is an Eden oasis nestled in Portland, Oregon. This park is a wonderful site to host a lush wedding celebration. Paths wind through the gardens allowing guests to observe more than 2,500 rhododendrons, azaleas and companion plants. This floral backdrop is only made more beautiful by the various ponds, streams, natural waterfalls, and fountains that are also present on the park grounds. You and your guests can enjoy a quiet ceremony at the park's wedding sites. This ensures an intimate ceremony removed from the other park goers and a special moment tucked in the colorful greenery. The Meadow is a sweet site by a lake that can host your ceremony as well as reception. Dance and dine on the lawn with lights sparkling down from the trees. The Woodland is another celebratory area that takes you and your love deep into the forest to wed. This romantic area has a natural elegance that is most spectacular. For a green wedding with grace and romance look to Crystal Springs Rhododendron Garden.